Association of Czech Film Clubs (AČFK)

The film club association has been active in our country for more than 50 years. The initial organization that took patronage over film clubs has grown up into an important distribution company, an organizer of one of the biggest Czech film festivals, and a partner of an international project focused on cinema education. Association of Czech Film Clubs associates 90 film clubs with over 12,000 members and distributes films that have artistic values. ACFC organizes Summer Film School Uherské Hradiště that is a very distinctive type of a film festival with more than a forty-year long tradition and characterized with a unique atmosphere, praised by many local and international artist guests. ACFC is also a Czech partner of CinEd, the European project focused on cinema education.


Stonky 860
Uherské Hradiště 686 01
Czech Republic

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