- Produkční společnosti / Animace
- Produkční společnosti
- Produkční společnosti / Dokumenty
- Produkční společnosti / Krátké filmy
- Členové Asociace producentů v audiovizi
Negativ was founded in 1995 and is one of the most important production companies in the Czech Republic. During its course of existence, it produced over 50 feature films, documentaries, and animated films. The company focuses on projects with an international co-production potential and has been cooperating long-term with authors such as Bohdan Sláma, Helena Třeštíková, Michaela Pavlátová or Marek Najbrt. Negativ won the Czech Lion Award for Best Film five times: Návrat idiota (The Idiot Returns), Rok ďábla (Year of the Devil), Štěstí (Something Like Happiness), Protektor (Protector), and Bába z ledu (Ice Mother); three times for the best documentary: Katka, King Skate, Dálava (Over the Hills); and once for Exceptional feat in the area of audio-visual arts: Kancelář Blaník (Blaník Office). Negativ’s films also won significant awards at international film festivals. Štěstí (Something Like Happiness) won the main award at the MFF in San Sebastian, Moje slunce Mad (My Sunny Maad) has been nominated for a Golden Globe Award and won the Jury Award at the MFAF in Annecy. Negativ is also the winner of two European Film Awards for the films René in the documentary films category and Alois Nebel in the animated films category. In 2023, Negativ won the French National Film Award César for Best Animated Film with My Sun Maad. There are four producers in the company at the moment: Pavel Strnad, Petr Oukropec, Kateřina Černá, a Milan Kuchynka.
Ostrovní 30
Praha 1 110 00
Czech Republic
feature films:
SUCHO (dir. Bohdan Sláma, 2024)
MOC (dir. Mátyás Prikler, 2023)
KRÁSNÉ BYTOSTI / BEAUTIFUL BEINGS (dir. Gudmundur Arnar Gudmundsson, 2022)
RENÉ - VĚZEŇ SVOBODY (dir. Helena Třeštíková, 2022)
JE SUIS KARL (dir. Christian Schwochow, 2021)
MOJE SLUNCE MAD (dir. Michaela Pavlátová, 2021)
ANNY (dir. Helena Třeštíková, 2020)
MEKY (dir. Šimon Šafránek, 2020)
SLUŽEBNÍCI / SERVANTS (dir. Ivan Ostrochovský, 2020)
BUDIŽ SVĚTLO (dir. Marko Škop, 2019)
NÁRODNÍ TŘÍDA (dir. Štěpán Altrichter, 2019)
TICHÉ DOTEKY (dir. Michal Hogenauer, 2019)
PREZIDENT BLANÍK (dir. Marek Najbrt, Czech Republic, 2018)
BÁBA Z LEDU / ICE MOTHER (dir. Bohdan Sláma, Czech Rep., Slovakia, France, 2017)
ANI VE SNU! / IN YOUR DREAMS! (dir. Petr Oukropec, Czech. Rep. Slovakia, Bulgaria, 2016)
FAIR PLAY (dir. Andrea Sedláčková, Slovakia, Czech Rep., 2014)
ZÁZRAK / MIRACLE (dir. Juraj Lehotský, Slovakia, Czech Rep., 2013)
POLSKI FILM (dir. Marek Najbrt, Poland, Czech Rep., 2012)
ČTYŘI SLUNCE / FOUR SUNS (dir. Bohdan Sláma, Czech Rep., 2012)
MODRÝ TYGR / THE BLUE TIGER (dir. Petr Oukropec, Czech Rep., 2011)
ALOIS NEBEL (dir. Tomáš Luňák, Germany, Czech Rep., 2011)
ZOUFALCI / DREAMERS (dir. Jitka Rudolfová, Czech Rep., 2009)
PROTEKTOR (dir. Marek Najbrt, Czech Rep., 2009)
DĚTI NOCI / NIGHT OWLS (dir. Michaela Pavlátová, Czech Rep., 2008)
VENKOVSKÝ UČITEL / COUNTRY TEACHER (dir. Bohdan Sláma, France, Germany, Czech Rep., 2008)
HEZKÉ CHVILKY / PLEASANT MOMENTS (dir. Věra Chytilová, Czech Rep., 2006)
ŠTĚSTÍ / SOMETHING LIKE HAPPINESS (dir. Bohdan Sláma, Germany, Czech Rep., 2005)
PŘÍBĚHY OBYČEJNÉHO ŠÍLENSTVÍ / WRONG SIDE UP (dir. Petr Zelenka, Slovakia, Germany, Czech Rep., 2005)
MISTŘI / CHAMPIONS (dir. Marek Najbrt, Czech Rep., 2004)
NEVĚRNÉ HRY / FAITHLESS GAMES (dir. Michaela Pavlátová, Czech Rep., 2003)
ROK ĎÁBLA / YEAR OF THE DEVIL (dir. Petr Zelenka, Czech Rep., 2002)
NÁVRAT IDIOTA / RETURN OF THE IDIOT (dir. Saša Gedeon, Czech Rep., 1999)
ŠEPTEJ / WHISPER (dir. David Ondříček, Czech Rep., 1996)
INDIÁNSKÉ LÉTO / INDIAN SUMMER (dir. Saša Gedeon, Czech Rep., 1995)
FORMAN vs. FORMAN (dir. Helena Třeštíková, 2019)
DÁLAVA (dir. Martin Mareček, 2019)
BAŤA, PRVNÍ GLOBALISTA (dir. Peter Kerekes, 2019)
KING SKATE (dir. Šimon Šafránek, Czech Republic, 2018)
MEČIAR / THE LUST FOR POWER (dir. Tereza Nvotová, Slovakia, Czech Rep., 2017)
STRNADOVI / A MARIAGGE STORY (dir. Helena Třeštíková, Czech Republic, 2017)
MALLORY (dir. Helena Třeštíková, Czech Rep., 2015)
PLÁN / THE PLAN (dir. Benjamin Tuček, Czech Rep., 2014)
HLEDÁ SE PREZIDENT / PRESIDENT WANTED (dir. Tomáš Kudrna, Czech Rep., 2013)
SOUKROMÝ VESMÍR / PRIVATE UNIVERSE (dir. Helena Třeštíková, Czech Rep., 2012)
TANTRA (dir. Benjamin Tuček, Czech Rep., 2011)
PO DLOUHÉ NOCI DEN / THE DAY AFTER A LONG NIGHT (dir. Tomáš Kudrna, Germany, Czech Rep., 2010)
KATKA (dir. Helena Třeštíková, Czech Rep., 2009)
JAK SE VAŘILY DĚJINY / COOKING HISTORY (dir. Peter Kerekes, Austria, Slovakia, Czech Rep., 2009)
VÍTEJTE V KLDR / WELCOME TO NORTH KOREA (dir. Linda Jablonská, Czech Rep., 2008)
IVETKA A HORA / IVETKA AND THE MOUNTAIN (dir. Vít Janeček, Czech Rep., 2008)
RENÉ (dir. Helena Třeštíková, Czech Rep., 2008)
OBČAN HAVEL / CITIZEN HAVEL(dir. Pavel Koutecký, Miroslav Janek, Czech Rep., 2008)
MARCELA (dir. Helena Třeštíková, Czech Rep., 2007)
KUPŘEDU LEVÁ, KUPŘEDU PRAVÁ / LEFT RIGHT FORWARD (dir. Linda Jablonská, Czech Rep., 2006)
short films:
VODNÍK (dir. Jakub Kouřil, 2020)