NIPOS - The National Information and Consultative Center for Culture

The National Information and Consulting Centre for Culture (NIPOS) was established by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic on the date 1st January 1991.

The basic mission of NIPOS is the support of cultural development, in particular in the field of culture-social and creative citizen activities both local and regional, in view of non professional culture activities and copyright matters, information service and expert consultations for both authorities and employees of local government, state administration, civic associations, legal and physical entities and other subjects, operating in the field of local and regional culture, namely on the basis of systematic using of theoretical and practical findings of analytic and research activities in the culture, of the own research and with use of professional knowledge in various branches of culture activities.

The professional activity of NIPOS is focused on the obtaining and analysis of the knowledge about the general role and position of the public culture services in the field of socio-economic development of regions. NIPOS is a professional workplace.


Fügnerovo náměstí 1866/5
Praha 2 120 21
Czech Republic

Členové týmu