21. December 2006

Czech President Vaclav Klaus has signed into law a 2007 budget amendment which adds $4.8m (CZK 100m) to state aid for Czech filmmakers, raising the total value of the State Fund for the Support and Development of Czech Cinematography to $7.6m for next year. The state fund provides money for the development, production, distribution and promotion of Czech films. Film-makers hope the increase will help them participate more equally with foreign partners in co-productions. The Czech Republic still lacks a stable government since parliamentary elections in June resulted in a left-right stalemate. A new cabinet being assembled by Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek may face a vote of confidence as early as January. Topolanek has previously promised to create a comprehensive film law to address the needs of filmmakers in the Czech Republic, and with coalition partners plans an increase in subsidies to the industry.