ASTROPHOS: Ludvík lndian Tůma, Ivana Svobodová

ASTROPHOS: Ludvík lndian Tůma, Ivana Svobodová

We are a casting agency and film company engaged in casting actors and extras in various films, commercials, spots, and clips.

Otherwise, we also supplement film crews in various positions if someone drops out for unexpected reasons or cannot continue. We also have a team of: Ad 1,2,3,4, Stuntmen, Runners, Coordinators, Locations, Lock-up, Traffic Control


Eastern war gang - extras, Lock-up, Traffic Control, Security 

Queen Margarette - actor stunt, epi actor, 

Terezín - extras, Lock-up, Traffic Control 

Martha - Lock-up, Traffic Control 

Chevalier - Lock-up, Traffic Control 

The end of the Word - actors, epi actors, extras, Lock-up, Traffic Control, Security 

The Lucky Man - Lock-up, Traffic Control, 

Whell of Time  - Lock-up, Traffic Control 

Franz Kafka - extras, 

The Gray Man - Lock-up, Traffic Control 

Alternating curent - extras, epi actors, Lock-up, Traffic Control, Security 

Holidays with Broucek - extras, epi actors, Lock-up, Traffic Control, Security 

Year of the widow - extras, epi actor, Lock-up,  Traffic Control, Security 

A lot has been filmed since 1999, so please have a look:

Thank you🙏👍
