10. March 2016

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The name of Jezeří Chateau (Eisenberg in German) translates literally as "Iron Mountain”. It is located in the Ústi Region by the town of Horní Jiřetín, near the German border. Jezeří Chateau is a pearl of the Ore Mountains, a towering symbol of history, standing on the edge of coal mine country.
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Jezeří was built in the 14th century as a Gothic castle, but rebuilt two centuries later as a Renaissance Chateau. A century later, a final architectural transformation of the building in a Baroque style was carried out under the ownership of the Lobkowicz family. The main rooms of the Chateau are the Large Hall, the Small Salon, and the Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows, with stucco decorations from the 19th century. The renovated rooms are furnished with period furniture and decorations from the 18th century. Also worth mentioning is a collection of carriages, sleighs, and agricultural machinery in the carriage house. Virtual tours of the castle

"Film shoots will be the perfect opportunity to promote the Chateau to visitors and other film crews. The Chateau is not unknown to filmmakers, but no one has yet fully utilized the amazing potential that this site and the nature around it holds. Jezeří Chateau has a lot to offer to film crews because it is located in a completely unique landscape and is one of the most interesting places in Bohemia,” said the Chateau’s keeper Hana Krejčová. The sprawling mansion’s floor plan is in the shape of the letter H and has a total of 240 rooms. The rooms are suitable for film shoots as well as for use by make-up or wardrobe departments. Only a part of the building is reconstructed, which is a great advantage to filmmakers who can adjust the space to their needs. Some rooms offer fascinating views on the Most basin, plowed through and through by miners.

The contrast between the ČSA surface mines and the Chateau on the horizon create the feeling of an industrial apocalypse, which is still spreading and absorbing the landscape with incredible speed. Drilling machines that turn large areas into a wasteland evoke associations like UFOs, trips into space, or doomsday scenarios about the end of life on Earth. The ČSA mine has the largest brown coal deposits in the Czech Republic, and is managed by Severní energetická a. s. Of great advantage is the accessibility of this location from the capital. The trip from Prague to Jezeří Chateau lasts only 1.5 hours (103 km). The chateau is located between the towns of Chomutov, Most and Litvínov. The relatively small Ústi Region provides a large number of diverse and contrasting environments, presenting unique filming opportunities. It offers a great combination of shooting in real interiors and exteriors.

Contact the Czech Film Commission or one of the many local location managers for more information about this and other locations.