25. August 2005

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The Jan Hus memorial on Old Town Square became a “wall of wishes” covered by dozens of letters yesterday. Why? Because South Korean filmmakers began filming a romantic series here that is expected to attract hoards of tourists from this Asian country to Prague. “Only the first few episodes will be filmed in the capital. The rest will be set in Korea,” said Karla Stojáková of Axman Productions, who added that the series, called Loves in Prague, will be introduced to Korean audiences at the end of September. The story of the Korean president’s daughter who falls in love with a private detective in Prague should also promote the splendors of the Czech metropolis. “That’s also why it’s being filmed in the most attractive locations, for example Charles Bridge, the Prague Castle, Kampa, Wenceslas Square…” says Stojáková. According to her, the city won’t be dolled up for the series. The only exception is the “wall of wishes” on the Hus memorial. “The filmmakers required a scene similar to the one in the classic American film Roman Holiday.” The television series could raise Koreans’ interest in Prague considerably. It is loosely based on the series Loves in Paris, which was watched by roughly 10 millions viewers each week. After it was aired, notes Stojáková, Korean tourism to Paris boomed. “And a similar scenario can be expected in Prague’s case. In fact, Korean travel agencies are already offering package tours featuring the locations where the series is being filmed,” added Stojáková.