East Bohemia Location Tour 2022

The tour in the Hradec Kralove and Pardubice regions took place on October 11 and 12, 2022, and were organized by the East Bohemia Film Office in cooperation with the Czech Film Commission.

See our short report>

CSOB Regional Headquarters, Hradec Kralove

Hradec Kralove Prison

Zacler Mine

Zacler Mining Colony

Former prison in Zacler

Villa Cerych

House of Music, Pardubice

Slatinany Chateau

Kabelac's Mill

Bar Kulna

Konopac Campsite

Town Hall, Pardubice

Regional Authority, Pardubice


Contact for filming in the East Bohemia region:

East Bohemia Film Office, Lucie Ondrackova (l.ondrackova@vychodnicechy.info, +420 725 702 651)