13. February 2019

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Olomouc Region and South Moravia call for applications for the support of audiovisual production. The deadlines are 1 March and 28 February 2019.

Regional Program for Support of Tourism and International Relations – Subprogram: Support for Audiovisual Production in Tourist Regions of Jeseníky and Central Moravia Deadline for applications: 1 February – 28 February 2019; budget: CZK 800,000 Eligible projects: feature and documentary film (>70 min), TV film (>60 min), fictional, scripted TV series or episodes (>30 min/episode), TV documentary film (>40 min) Criteria:
  • size and scope of shoots on location in the Olomouc Region
  • potential for use in marketing the region for tourism
More information: Jeseníky Film Office, Tomáš Rak, rak@jeseniky.cz

South Moravian Film Fund Deadline for applications: 6 February – 1 March 2019; budget: CZK 9,000,000 Eligible projects: feature, animated, and documentary films, series, online formats Criteria:
  • amount of production expenditure in the region
  • promotional and marketing potential of the project for the city of Brno and South Moravia
  • level of national/international distribution
  • involvement of local audiovisual professionals, use of local services
  • 100% of the grant must be spent in the region
More informaton: Brno Film Office, Ivana Košuličová, kosulicova@ticbrno.cz
