Become part of the Czech Film Commission directory
Let production services and anyone looking for your services and expertise know about you.
Let production services and anyone looking for your services and expertise know about you.
3 200+ individual and company profiles
Professional presentation and simple editing
Free service of the Czech Film Fund
Companies, institutions, and individuals who operate in the Czech Republic
Production companies
Professional crew members
Equipment and services suppliers
Institutions and organizations
And more
We're not a database of actors. Only casting agenies can create profiles.
It takes just a few seconds. All you need is your email address and a password. You'll add everything else directly in your profile.
Add information about yourself (and/or your team) and references. All in English, please! Once you're happy with your profile, submit it for approval.
If we need more information, we'll let you know. If everything looks good, we'll activate your profile.
Registration and profile presentation in the Directory is free of charge.
An entrepreneur or company must have a Czech tax identification number (DIČ).
Yes, the Directory serves as the first point of contact for foreign producers, therefore your profile needs to be in English.
The Directory is designed for filmmakers, crew members, and suppliers - not for actors. We recommend you contact casting agencies directly.
The more up-to-date your profile is, the more likely it is that you'll get new clients. Ideally, it should be updated when you have another project to boast about or if your contact information changes. We recommend, however, that you check your profile at least once a year to be sure that everything is up-to-date.
Be visible!
Fill out your profile in English.
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