5. May 2020

Alternativní text obrázku

Updated August 3, 2021

Updated March 19, 2021

Updated February 5, 2021

Updated September 11, 2020

Table of contents:

A.  Basic safety rules for preproduction and production of audiovisual works
B.  Cross-border passenger transport in the audiovisual industry   
C.  Detecting SARS-COV2 infection in a person / persons involved in the creation of an audiovisual work

Self-Regulatory Guidelines to establish protection against the SARS-CoV-2 virus

A. Basic safety rules for preproduction and production of audiovisual works

This document defines a framework of general recommendations to help eliminate the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection during preparatory work and production of audio-visual works (hereafter AVW) among crew members, performers, and suppliers.

The recommendations are based on resolutions of the Government of the Czech Republic and extraordinary measures of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic and available epidemiological and hygienic recommendations. 

A more precise framework cannot be set forth, as individual projects differ from each other, sometimes very significantly.

However, the primary concern is always to accept one’s own degree of responsibility and the fact that no one can predict the development of an epidemic with 100% certainty. 

The following self-regulatory guidelines will be continuously supplemented and clarified based on the development of the epidemiological situation.

This document provides basic procedures for establishing technical and organizational measures for disease prevention. As every shoot is different, specific measures must be determined based on a risk assessment carried out BEFORE THE SHOOT BEGINS.

! Introductory note !
  • Despite the increasing vaccination coverage of the Czech population, the general principles of protection against infection still take effect, in view of the increasing proportion of people infected by the Delta variant.
  • In film shooting, it is common for different professions to take part in several projects simultaneously. Therefore, the risk when shooting is higher compared to closed operations.
  • The assessment of risks and the adoption of measures related to the infection must be part of the overall risk analysis pursuant to Act No. 262/2006 Coll. The analysis is subject to control by the Labor Inspectorate.
  • Follow the procedure: assess the risks, then determine the technical and organizational measures. Use the services of professionally qualified persons.
  • For current information on the rules of travel from abroad, please keep in mind that the individual details may change, so check the website of the Ministry of the Interior before the arrival of foreign staff members.

The Ten Rules for Safe Shoots - Recommended Basic Precautions

1. Tests for actors and related professions 

All actors, stuntmen, and extras who come into contact with the actors need to present a negative PCR test for SARS-CoV-2. If the economic situation of the project allows, it is ideal to test by the PCR method. If the project chooses antigen tests, it is necessary to take into account its lower sensitivity and considering the risk of wrong sampling to calculate the relevant result between max. 60-70 %. Therefore when using the antigen tests, it is necessary to carefully follow other measures as well.

Experience has shown that testing by antigenic tests (especially by those not performer by a qualified person) has a very low probability of detecting a positive individual and are therefore rather a waste of funds in terms of cost-benefit ratio.

If all the crew is vaccinated – than testing still makes sense, but it is not necessary for example 3 times a week. It is possible to lower the frequency for example to once a week, due to the possible detection of the Delta mutation, which presents the highest risk at the moment. It is therefore necessary to decide on the frequency of testing for each project individually. It is advisable to test again even those who have undergone COVID-19.

If the crew is mixed (vaccinated/non-vaccinated), than we recommend to apply the original model of testing for those who have not been vaccinated. For those who are vaccinated the frequency can be lower.  

A test always provides information o positivity or negativity only at the time of testing. If collected during the incubation period, the illness can develop anytime after testing. Therefore it is advised to test at regular frequency. In this context it is important to consider testing when making a shooting plan.  

  1. Stuntmen - Stuntmen in groups and stuntmen moving in scenes with actors must be tested and follow the same procedures as the actors.
  2. Extras in scenes without actors - should have their own department; must wear a face mask off set.
  3. Extras in scenes with actors - where the shot requires a distance of less than 2 to 3 m, they must be tested in the same manner as the actors and be kept separated from the other extras.
  4. Negative test in combination with quarantine - may, where necessary, replace face masks for key crew members. We recommend to test the key crew members, whose exclusion from filming due to higher temperature and suspected infection could jeopardize the entire project.
  5. Makeup - makeup artists must have a separate set of makeup for actors and people set forth in points "a", "b", "c" and "d". Makeup artists must also use respiratory protection and gloves. If possible, negatively tested actors, stuntmen, and extras should attend makeup screen tests. We recommend considering having separate makeup artists for actors and extras.

2. Protective equipment

In the Czech Republic only FFP2 respirators and FFP3 respirators without exhalation valve or protective equipment with adequate level of protection are approved currently. Basic protective equipment also includes eye protection and rubber / latex gloves.

! It is very important and we strongly recommend to apply the original respiratory protection by nano-masks or FFP2/FFP3 respirators. The production‘s supervision that this self-regulatory guideline is strictly applied is important, also to keep the social distance of at least 2-3 m during meals, drinking and smoking!

In practice, most foreign productions still insist on wearing respiratory protection, the main reason being insurance and at the same time the real threat of infection by mutations which can put crew members in danger.

 What needs to be done:

  1. Determine what protective equipment you will use. Establish a system for issuing, exchanging, and monitoring the use of protective equipment.
  2. Protective mask - if it is necessary to use face masks because of make-up, then it is necessary to choose a face mask made of nano material with a certified degree of effectiveness.
  3. Respirators - as a part of the protection of the entire crew, primarily actors and crew members with negative test for SARS-CoV-2 should use respirators ideally FFP2 and FFP3. We recommend to avoid respirators KN95 which do not meet European standards.
  4. Protective antiviral/antibacterial gloves - the builders and other designated persons must wear protective gloves. Potentially risky surfaces that the actors will touch must be disinfected. (For disinfection of premises, we recommend hiring temporary additional workers for the construction service; for larger projects, a specialized company should be contacted).
  5. Protective gloves for other professions - crew members who leave the filming site (such production staff, drivers, runners, etc.) must be equipped with protective gloves to prevent contamination of the filming area.
  6. Protective glasses - clear glasses that protect the eyes. Prescription glasses or sunglasses can also perform this function.

3. Disinfection

When shooting, it is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene:

  1. The same procedure applies here as for protective equipment: determine what equipment you will use. Establish a system for issuing, exchanging, and monitoring use.
  2. Personal disinfection - crew members must carry pocket hand sanitizer in the form of disinfectant wipes or a 30 ml bottle of personal hand sanitizer so that they do not have to run to the disinfection stands during filming if the scene being filmed is more extensive.
  3. Disinfection stands - near the toilets, at the catering station, in the base camp, or directly on the set if is far from the base camp.
  4. Disinfection of items - a transfer point where items brought to the site undergo disinfection should be established. A system for choosing the method of disinfection should also be established. For example: if the item allows it and it is faster, use a wet disinfection method. If the object could be damaged by liquid/moisture, opt for ozone disinfection. Best practice: when a larger quantity of items is brought to the shoot, they can be disinfected with ozone directly in the vehicle. WARNING! The ozone operator must have the appropriate certification, so it is advisable to contact a specialized company.

4. Transport

Prior to filming, the production company should arrange for disinfection of fleet vehicles that carry crew and actors. Vehicles that transport actors should be regularly disinfected with ozone. Members of different crew groups should not travel in the same vehicle at the same time. During transport, the entire crew should wear face masks.

  1. During cross-border transport, it is safer to travel by vehicle rather than by plane, if logistically possible.
  2. Workspace disinfection - during the shoot, makeup artists and costume designers should disinfect tables and chairs for actors before use. Runners in the actors’ base camp should do the same.
  3. Costume disinfection – it is advisable that used costumes undergo regular disinfection; the frequency must be determined individually in the risk assessment.

5. On-site organization

On location shoots, there will be greater demands on space; organization should consider that crew members need to be separated, see point 2. In addition, there must be enough space in the catering area to ensure that crew members can eat with sufficient space between them. Preference should be given to folding chairs over standard tables and benches (“beer sets”).

Separation of individual crew groups - we recommend to separate the key crew members, actors and other professionals which cannot be easily replaced, from the majority of the crew (for example by separate bathrooms, costume and make-up rooms, catering area etc.) The specific self-regulatory guideline can differ from project to project and must be considered in risk assessment.

6. Temperature measurement

Practice has shown that if the project’s guidelines allow it is advisable to decide on the temperature-measuring system individually – so that every crew member can measure his/her temperature at home before leaving for the film set and fill up a short questionnaire on possible symptoms. The chief benefit of the questionnaire is its preventive role when every crew member during asnwering the questionnaire considers how he/she feels which he/she can forget durign the morning haste. At the same time, the production has in hand the basis for a emergency response. 

7. Catering

Serving meals must be organized in such a way that each crew member moves away from the catering station immediately after taking their food so that they can maintain distance from others when eating. When eating, it is important to ensure that crew members can maintain safe distances (even when eating snacks throughout the day). Food should be packaged (or covered), as the transfer of food from the catering station to the point of consumption is also risky.

8. Securing the location 

  1. During pre-production inspections - if it is not possible to disinfect the sites, these areas must be approached as if they were potentially infected. Therefore, all crew members present for the inspection must use protective equipment set forth in the risk assessment.
  2. It is necessary to allocate a big enough area for smoking – smoking is the most risky aktivity during shooting together with eating. It is advised to define the smoking area with spacing marks. We recommend keeping a distance of at least 3 m.

  3. During filming - it is extremely important that access to the shooting location is consistently and constantly monitored in order to prevent unauthorized persons from entering. Any necessary visitors must be equipped with protective equipment before entry and their temperature must be measured.

9. Required documentation

Every production company should have these measures included in its risk assessments and require their inclusion in the risk assessments of suppliers. You can find the legal standards clearly set forth here: https://www.ohasfilm.com/latest-projects/

For H&S specialists, see our industry directory.

Prior to the start of filming, the production company and suppliers must familiarize each other with the risks and measures for filming (not only in terms of the risk of infection). This must be made in writing, for example by signing an attendance sheet during the training that takes place during the briefing.

The obligations to comply with these measures and to submit tests for SARS-CoV-2 must be implemented in contracts with individual crew members, as well as defined sanctions and liability for damage in the event of non-compliance.

We recommend placing information boards at the shooting location, such as:

Given that this is a fundamental change in workflow compared to before the epidemic, it is important to provide constant reminders regarding the measures.

10. Filming management

The measures must be coordinated at the shooting location by a film security specialist or a health and safety officer, or a trained authorized person (covid manager), who will be responsible for supervising and coordinating the measures against the disease.

What are the differences between the individual coordinators in terms of competencies:

  1. Film Security Specialist - took part in the risk assessment, is able and qualified to creatively adapt health and safety measures to the needs of the script based on technology and knowledge of film issues. They coordinate work with subcontractor risk assessments and oversee documentation.
  2. Health and Safety Officer - a health and safety person qualified for occupational safety management. They are qualified to modify the above-mentioned measures - usually purely in terms of health and safety without an artistic context. They coordinate work with subcontractor risk assessments and oversee documentation.
  3. Trained authorized person (such as a producer) - has competence only over following the set rules using a checklist prepared at the beginning of filming. They are not authorized to make changes to measures. They only supervise observance of the measures and monitor the training documentation.

11. Waste management 

Disposable face masks, gloves, etc. must be treated as hazardous waste - used waste is placed in heavy-duty plastic bags, handled while wearing protective gloves, and then disposed of properly. To store cloth face masks, each crew member must have resealable plastic bags as well as access to facilities for boiling cloth masks. Hands must be disinfected, or protective gloves used before and after putting on and taking off the mask.

For all these professions, the full support of the producer and authorization to remove any member of the crew or subcontractors who have violated or refused to comply with the security measures is crucial. BEST PRACTICE - it has proven to be essential that producers and heads of individual production departments set an example for others by complying with the measures.

B. Cross-border passenger transport in the audiovisual industry    

This document aims to propose self-regulatory measures that would reduce the risk of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 during the cross-border transport of foreign members of film crews and actors for filming in the Czech Republic.

Two phases of safe cross-border transport

The Czech production company will resolve all requirements for cross-border entries and exits of foreign crew members and performers and will be responsible for the implementation of AVW production in the Czech Republic.

Phase 1

Preparations prior to cross-border transport


Before the cross-border transport of foreign crew members, the Czech side should have an accredited laboratory contracted for the implementation of tests upon arrival and subsequent inspections throughout the entire production period.


The Czech production company will appoint an occupational health and safety coordinator for the film shoot to handle all measures related to the current epidemiological situation, carry out the necessary risk assessments, and communicate with hygienic stations in the areas where film shoots take place.


NEW: We recommend the foreign partner should provide the Czech production company with proper and timely confirmation from all crew members of negative PCR test results for SARS-CoV-2, which should not be older than 72 hours.


Temperature measurement may not be effective and is not authoritative for several reasons (such as pollen allergy sufferers).


The entire procedure will be recorded and archived by the health and safety coordinator.

Phase 2

Measures upon arrival

The risk assessment will define the specific measures to be taken during AVW production and the following points will be met:



NEW: A new category of high-risk countries is being introduced - dark red to the existing red, orange and green. The strictest epidemiological measures will be applied to travels from them (you can find the list of them here): mandatory submission of the first PCR test not older than 72 hours before entry and another second PCR test taken in the Czech Republic no earlier than the 5th day after entry. Self - isolation is required until the second negative test is submitted. NOTE: The result of the test is usually available within 24 hours or earlier. We recommend the actors / performers (who do not wear face protection in front of the camera) to be tested repeatedly every 5 - 7 days throughout the shoot.


Personal protective equipment

All members of the foreign crew must be equipped with FFP3-level personal protective equipment during transport (protective masks / respirators with exhalation filter / protective half masks with exhalation filter) and hand sanitizers.


Restrictions on access for at-risk persons

Approach to specific foreign crew members with PPE with be set forth in the risk assessment.


Logistic measures

All vehicles in which foreign crew members will be transported must undergo regular disinfection, using the method and at the intervals set forth in the risk assessment. The OSH coordinator will keep records of vehicle interior disinfection.


Behavior while off the set

All crew members must be housed separately to prevent any possible spread of the disease, and to observe quarantine restrictions and behave aseptically during off-shoot hours. The Czech production company will provide foreign crew members with stable accommodation and health care for the entire period of their stay in the Czech Republic.

C. Self-regulatory guidelines for detecting SARS-COV2 infection in a person / persons involved in the creation of an audiovisual work (AVW)

The purpose of this document is to recommend a practical procedure to reduce the risk of termination or interruption of an entire film or TV project (AVW) in case of a proven SARS-COV2 infection in a film crew member or performer.

There are six basic preconditions for the possible implementation of these measures:


An established system and guidelines defining the frequency of SARS-COV2 PCR tests of all crew members, actors and other performers, based on their division into workgroups.


Division of the crew, actors and other performers into several levels and groups whose mutual interaction (mutual proximity of people from different levels or groups) is minimized or takes place exclusively with the use of protective equipment (such as face masks with filters).


Prepared documentation and procedures for individual filming processes in terms of health and safety, fire protection and protection against Covid-19: cross-border transport, site inspections, separate crew facilities, food and beverage distribution, organization of filming, transport based on individual crew groups, use of PPE (personal protective equipment), processes relating to the functioning of individual crew groups, their mutual interaction, etc.


Standardized types and procedures for PPE use by the crew, actors, and other performers.


A designated H&S person responsible for ensuring that processes are based on reality and maintaining documentation should it be necessary to deal with the hygiene station, and supervising compliance with the set rules at the shooting location.


Signed affidavits from crew members, actors and other performers indicating compliance with established rules and behavior outside working hours.

When COVID-19 appears on set:

  • If symptoms are present
    • If symptoms are apparent when measuring body temperature before entering the shooting area, this person will not be permitted to enter the shooting area, and a follow-up temperature measurement and a medical examination will be performed. They will then return to their accommodation or home, where they will remain in quarantine, and a follow-up test for SARS-COV2 will be performed without delay. In case of a positive test result, follow the recommendations below.
    • If symptoms appear in the morning before arrival on set and the affected person has reported this to the Czech producer by telephone - he/she will stay at home or in their accommodation, contact a doctor, and a follow-up test for SARS-COV2 will be performed without delay. In case of a positive test result, follow the recommendations below.
    • If symptoms appear during the filming day: the person will report this to the medic or H&S specialist. They will maintain a minimum distance of 2 m from other members of the crew. They will then move to a checkpoint off-set, where their temperature will be checked and then they will return to their home or accommodation. The person will immediately undergo a follow-up PCR test for SARS-COV2. In case of a positive test result, follow the recommendations below.

  • If the SARS-COV2 test result is positive
    • If the doctor does not order the person to be hospitalized, the person with a positive SARS-COV2 test will remain in home quarantine and wait to be contacted by the hygiene station.
    • The H&S specialist, together with the producer, will analyze the risky and non-risky contacts with the person who has tested positive, and inform the crew group with risky and non-risky contact with the person who has tested positive. Members of this group will undergo PCR testing for SARS-CoV-2. Risky contact is a personal contact without respirator FFP2 or other protective aid with adequate level of protection in distance shorter than 2 m and for the time longer than 15 min. ATTENTION! For SARS-CoV-2 mutations neither the distance nor the time matter and quarantine may be ordered by the hygiene station. In case of mutations any contant can be dangerous.
    • The H&S specialist, in cooperation with the positively tested person and the project producer, shall immediately contact the relevant hygiene station and determine the next steps. The hygiene station will assess the situation on the basis of information from the positively tested person, the H&S specialist, and the project producer. Depending on the circumstances of the infection and possible instructions, it will then decide upon the next step. Currently on a 14-day quarantine of people with risky contact with a positive-tested person. The degree of high-risk contact will be assessed by hygienists on the basis of the information received and on compliance with the recommended measures, wearing of PPE, and the degree of proximity of persons at risk, etc.
    • The tested person will be permitted to return to filming once they have presented a negative PCR test result and received permission from the hygiene station. In such case, all crew members/crew groups coming into close contact with each other will use FFP3 level protective equipment or a high quality face mask with a nano-filter. This regulation will apply both to tested persons from the high-risk group and to all other crew members who come into close contact with these persons.
    • The H&S specialist, in cooperation with the project producer, will ensure immediate disinfection of the site (set/office/vehicle, etc.) as well as all equipment or other related items with which the positively tested person came into contact prior to testing and that will continue to be used.
    • All these steps are to be carried out in cooperation with the H&S specialist and project producer without delay.

Version May 7, 2020

A. Basic safety rules for preproduction and production of audiovisual works

This document defines a framework of general recommendations to help eliminate the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection during preparatory work and production of audio-visual works (hereafter AVW) among crew members, performers, and suppliers.

The recommendations are based on resolutions of the Government of the Czech Republic and extraordinary measures of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic and available epidemiological and hygienic recommendations. They will be continuously updated. Updates will be marked NEW.

These are recommendations - this means that individual production companies should apply them based on their own risk assessments for their own specific project, with the possible supplementation of "filming guidelines" from their partners (co-production or service).

A more precise framework cannot be set forth, as individual projects differ from each other, sometimes very significantly.

However, the primary concern is always to accept one’s own degree of responsibility and the fact that no one can predict the development of an epidemic with 100% certainty. 

Basic facts


AVW production is an economic activity - it is in essence an industrial operation which takes place in various exteriors and interiors

  • there is no public access to filming
  • it is not a cultural event
  • it is not an assembly of a larger number of persons in public according to Act No. 84/1990 Coll.
  • the film crew can be clearly defined as a "collective body" with limited and minimal contact with the general public
  • similar to factory operations, it is therefore not necessary to address the number of people present for the production of the AVW.


Basic procedures for determining the technical and organizational measures for infection prevention must be based on common sense and a responsible approach not only on the part of the producer but also of each crew member (including their behavior outside the workplace), i.e. each crew member must be aware of their own responsibility, as one person can send the entire crew into quarantine and disrupt production with a single irresponsible act.

It is necessary to accept the fact that the course of the disease can last up 3-6 weeks, even if there are no serious complications, and requires local quarantine measures.

Irresponsible behavior by crew members, including performers, can therefore jeopardize the entire shooting schedule. Therefore it is necessary to effectively reduce the risk to a minimum.


Each production is different – it is not possible to define the same specific measures for all types of projects; it is always necessary to proceed on the basis of a risk assessment of a particular project.


The risk assessment should be made in the context of the state of development of the epidemic - what is valid on April 30 may not be valid 14 days later. Logic dictates that even after the government’s emergency measures are reduced or terminated, the risk of infection - albeit to a lesser extent - will persist for weeks or months. The following self-regulatory recommendations will be continuously supplemented and detailed based on the development of the epidemiological situation and the requirements of foreign productions/studies/platforms. 


As standard, risk assessments of individual departments should continue to be issued, as per usual (SFX, stuntmen, location managers, construction etc.).


For reasons stated above, a documentation is required. Each production company should prepare risk assessment documentation and require it from all suppliers.


Before filming begins, the production company, together with its suppliers and subcontractors, must familiarize itself with the risks and necessary measures set forth for filming. Confirmation of this familiarization must be made in writing. Obligations to comply with the measures and to undergo tests for SARS-CoV-2 should be implemented in contracts with individual crew members, including the definition of sanctions and liability for damage in the event of non-compliance.

Individual recommendations



  • The production company should have a contract in place with an accredited laboratory to be able to test operationally any crew member or performer at any time, anywhere
  • in the event of a positive result, ensure immediate isolation of the person concerned
  • testing only by PCR test - smear or blood tests do not fulfill the desired purpose.


Sanitary set and base camp

  • Creating a completely healthy environment on set and in the base camp
  • controlled approach to these places
  • continuous thorough disinfection for the entire duration of filming (excessive disinfection in enclosed spaces can, on the contrary, cause health problems; indoor spaces should be ventilated regularly in any case)
  • catering - French shift system is suggested.


Temperature measurement

  • Temperature measurement as an indicator may not be effective and is not authoritative for several reasons (shooting in the sun, pollen allergy sufferers, work fatigue)
  • temperature measurement should be performed with a non-contact thermometer only if the individual does not feel completely well.


Protective equipment (system of issue, exchange and monitoring use)

(adjusted according to the current epidemiological situation and government recommendations)

  • Protective face mask - for every 12 hours of working time, count on 4 masks per crew member. This applies to all people on the shoot, including external suppliers.
  • Protective half-mask with exhalation filter - an alternative to face masks for crew members. It has an inhalation and exhalation filter, which makes breathing easier. The filters can be cleaned and masks disinfected. It offers a higher protection standard than FFP3, and the crew member can wear it for longer periods of time. For multi-day shootings, this means a reduction in costs.
  • Respirators - ideally FFP3 class for actors
  • Gloves - when using rubber or latex gloves, please be aware that wearing one pair of gloves for an entire shift completely negates their effectiveness - with contaminated gloves, you contaminate everything you touch. It is more effective to regularly disinfect and wash your hands.
  • Those crew members and performers who are irreplaceable, whose quarantine would interrupt the production of the project, should be provided with and use higher levels of personal protection. Higher levels of protection also means the minimalization of social contacts (voluntary quarantine outside work), in addition to the use of protective equipment.


Waste management

  • Single-use masks, gloves, etc. must be disposed of as hazardous waste - placed in heavy-duty plastic bags, handled with protective gloves and then disposed of
  • crew members must have sealable plastic bags for cloth masks, as well as a means to sterilize the masks (generally by boiling).


Disinfection of workspace and objects

  • Personal disinfection - crew members should carry personal disinfection in the form of disinfectant wipes or a 30 ml bottle of hand sanitizer.
  • Disinfection stands - Stands with hand sanitizer must be placed near the toilets, at the catering station, in the base camp or directly on the set, if it is far from the base camp.
  • Disinfection of objects - for filming public areas and in places with a high concentration of people, it is advisable to consider disinfecting the area by spraying.
  • Vehicle disinfection – regular disinfection of fleet vehicles that carry the crew and actors must be provided.
  • Disinfection of exterior and interior workspaces - at the end of each shift.
  • Disinfection of costumes, make-up tools and equipment, and wigs - make-up artists and costume designers should disinfect workbenches and chairs before use. Costumes must undergo regular disinfection, the frequency of which should be determined individually in the risk assessment.
  • Disinfection of microphones and ports - regularly, after each use.
  • Use of make-up and cosmetics see below.


We recommend outsourcing work relating to protection against the spread of the virus to a professional company or a designated individual(s), especially the creation and adherence to a risk assessment, disinfection of premises, removal of used PPE, etc.


Contracts with crew members should include stipulations that responsible/sanitary behavior is required both on and off set and should clearly define the sanctions and liabilities should filming be interrupted/stopped due to quarantine or infection.


Protection applies not only to the period of actual production, but also to pre-production, in particular location scouting and casting (both by the crew and the actors), as well as to post-production, where the general recommendations should apply mutatis mutandis.


A transfer point for off-premises suppliers must be established.


To the extent possible, preparations should be moved online or to open air spaces.


Assign responsibilities within the crew: heads of the individual departments are responsible for their department and at the same time have a replacement. For example, the location manager is responsible for professional disinfection of premises before and after filming or every day after each shift.


We recommend placing information boards at the shooting location / studio, such as:

Special regime for selected performers and crew members

a) Performers in the shot

  • those who appear in front of the camera who must perform without masks, respirators, etc.
  • performers also include extras and stuntmen
  • NEW: we recommend PCR testing (every 14 days, it is not sensible more frequently), which replaces the need to use PPE
  • off-camera, all safety rules and rules for the use of PPE apply as for the rest of the crew
  • we recommend separating key crew members, actors, and difficult-to-replace professions from the rest of the crew (for example, separate fitting room, bathroom, make-up room, dining area, etc.)
  • it is essential that they follow a quarantine regime after testing in order for the tests to be relevant
  • testing must be taken into account when creating the shooting plan.

b) Professions with the exception of the mandatory distance of 2 meters

  • the obligatory distance of 2 meters does not apply to professions that come into direct contact with performers from the definition of their profession (make-up, costumes, sound, etc.) - they are obliged to wear a facemask, shield and gloves

c) Make-up department

  • make-up artists proceed in the regime that applies to hairdressing and cosmetic services (facemask and shield)
  • we recommend separating make-up artists for actors and other performers
  • make-up artists should have separate make-up sets for actors and other performing artists.

d) Location lockdown during shooting

  • consistent closure of the area must be maintained in order to prevent the entry of unauthorized persons.

e) Management during shooting

  • safety rules related to anti-infection measures must be coordinated at the shooting location by a health and safety officer or by a trained authorized person who will be responsible for coordinating and supervising the anti-infection measures. It is up to each production company to determine who will be in charge of health and safety compliance - whether the person is a medical practitioner, ambulance staff, the producer himself, the production manager, etc.

f) Extras 

  • as a general rule, it can be stated that the use of extras clearly disrupts the closed nature of the film crew collective, and resolving issues surrounding the use of extras will be complicated. Production companies must work individually with casting companies to ensure clean bills of health for working without face masks, as ensuring a 2 m distance not only from the actors, but also between individual extras is not always possible
  • extras work in the same mode as a) the performers in the shot.


B. Cross-border passenger transport in the audiovisual industry    

This document aims to propose self-regulatory measures that would reduce the risk of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 during the cross-border transport of foreign members of film crews and actors for filming in the Czech Republic.

Two phases of safe cross-border transport

The Czech production company will resolve all requirements for cross-border entries and exits of foreign crew members and performers and will be responsible for the implementation of AVW production in the Czech Republic.

Phase 1

Preparations prior to cross-border transport


Before the cross-border transport of foreign crew members, the Czech side should have an accredited laboratory contracted for the implementation of tests upon arrival and subsequent inspections throughout the entire production period.


The Czech production company will appoint an occupational health and safety coordinator for the film shoot to handle all measures related to the current epidemiological situation, carry out the necessary risk assessments, and communicate with hygienic stations in the areas where film shoots take place.


NEW: We recommend the foreign partner should provide the Czech production company with proper and timely confirmation from all crew members of negative PCR test results for SARS-CoV-2, which should not be older than 4 days.


Temperature measurement may not be effective and is not authoritative for several reasons (such as pollen allergy sufferers).


The entire procedure will be recorded and archived by the health and safety coordinator.

Phase 2

Measures upon arrival

The risk assessment will define the specific measures to be taken during AVW production and the following points will be met:



NEW: We recommend all foreign members of the crew should be quarantined upon arrival and re-tested for SARS-CoV-2 in the Czech Republic within 72 hours of arrival, regardless of the presentation of a negative SARS-CoV-2 test result from their home country. They will remain in quarantine until the test results are received. NOTE: The result of the test is usually available within 24 hours or earlier. If the test is taken right after the arrival, the quarantine takes up to these 24 hours ONLY. We recommend the actors / performers (who do not wear face protection in front of the camera) to be tested repeatedly every 14 days throughout the shoot.


Personal protective equipment

All members of the foreign crew must be equipped with FFP3-level personal protective equipment during transport (protective masks / respirators with exhalation filter / protective half masks with exhalation filter) and hand sanitizers.


Restrictions on access for at-risk persons

Approach to specific foreign crew members with PPE with be set forth in the risk assessment.


Logistic measures

All vehicles in which foreign crew members will be transported must undergo regular disinfection, using the method and at the intervals set forth in the risk assessment. The OSH coordinator will keep records of vehicle interior disinfection.


Behavior while off the set

All crew members must be housed separately to prevent any possible spread of the disease, and to observe quarantine restrictions and behave aseptically during off-shoot hours. The Czech production company will provide foreign crew members with stable accommodation and health care for the entire period of their stay in the Czech Republic.

C. Self-regulatory guidelines for detecting SARS-COV2 infection in a person / persons involved in the creation of an audiovisual work (AVW)

The purpose of this document is to recommend a practical procedure to reduce the risk of termination or interruption of an entire film or TV project (AVW) in case of a proven SARS-COV2 infection in a film crew member or performer.

There are six basic preconditions for the possible implementation of these measures:


An established system and guidelines defining the frequency of SARS-COV2 PCR tests of all crew members, actors and other performers, based on their division into workgroups.


Division of the crew, actors and other performers into several levels and groups whose mutual interaction (mutual proximity of people from different levels or groups) is minimized.


Prepared documentation and procedures for individual filming processes in terms of health and safety, fire protection and protection against Covid-19: cross-border transport, site inspections, separate crew facilities, food and beverage distribution, organization of filming, transport based on individual crew groups, use of PPE (personal protective equipment), processes relating to the functioning of individual crew groups, their mutual interaction, etc.


Standardized types and procedures for PPE use by the crew, actors, and other performers.


A designated H&S person responsible for ensuring that processes are based on reality and maintaining documentation should it be necessary to deal with the hygiene station, and supervising compliance with the set rules at the shooting location.


Signed affidavits from crew members, actors and other performers indicating compliance with established rules and behavior outside working hours.

When COVID-19 appears on set:

  • If symptoms are present
    • If symptoms are apparent when measuring body temperature before entering the shooting area, this person will not be permitted to enter the shooting area, and a follow-up temperature measurement and a medical examination will be performed. They will then return to their accommodation or home, where they will remain in quarantine, and a follow-up test for SARS-COV2 will be performed without delay. In case of a positive test result, follow the recommendations below.
    • If symptoms appear in the morning before arrival on set and the affected person has reported this to the Czech producer by telephone - he/she will stay at home or in their accommodation, contact a doctor, and a follow-up test for SARS-COV2 will be performed without delay. In case of a positive test result, follow the recommendations below.
    • If symptoms appear during the filming day: the person will report this to the medic or H&S specialist. They will maintain a minimum distance of 2 m from other members of the crew. They will then move to a checkpoint off-set, where their temperature will be checked and then they will return to their home or accommodation. The person will immediately undergo a follow-up PCR test for SARS-COV2. In case of a positive test result, follow the recommendations below.

  • If the SARS-COV2 test result is positive
    • If the doctor does not order the person to be hospitalized, the person with a positive SARS-COV2 test will remain in home quarantine.
    • The H&S specialist together with the producer will inform the crew group that the person was a member of. The members of this group will undergo PCR testing for SARS-COV2 without delay.
    • The H&S specialist, in cooperation with the positively tested person and the project producer, shall immediately contact the relevant hygiene station and determine the next steps. The hygiene station will assess the situation on the basis of information from the positively tested person, the H&S specialist, and the project producer and, depending on the circumstances of the infection, determine what steps to take next and possibly order a 14-day quarantine for persons who were in potentially high-risk contact with the positively tested person. The degree of high-risk contact will be assessed by hygienists on the basis of the information received and on compliance with the recommended measures, wearing of PPE, and the degree of proximity of persons at risk, etc.
    • The tested person will be permitted to return to filming once they have presented a negative PCR test result and received permission from the hygiene station. In such case, all crew members/crew groups coming into close contact with each other will use FFP3 level protective equipment. This regulation will apply both to tested persons from the high-risk group and to all other crew members who come into close contact with these persons.
    • The H&S specialist, in cooperation with the project producer, will ensure immediate disinfection of the site (set/office/vehicle, etc.) as well as all equipment or other related items with which the positively tested person came into contact prior to testing and that will continue to be used.
    • All these steps are to be carried out in cooperation with the H&S specialist and project producer without delay.

The producer will contact the relevant hygiene station corresponding to the permanent residence of the infected person. In the case of foreign members of the crew, they will contact the hygiene station corresponding to the address of the infected person’s accommodation during filming.

Author: Mgr. Jiří Kosorinský

Expert consultants: Pavel Müller - producer, Sirena Film, MUDr. Marek Joukal PhD., Regional Hygiene Station of the Capital City of Prague, MUDr. Zlata Marešová, SEFEX - Safety Film Experts, s.r.o., BcA. Pavlína Žipková

Created in cooperation with the European Institute for Health and Safety in Film Industry, z.ú. and the Audiovisual Producers' Association.