26. November 2007

Prague, 23rd of November, 2007 - The newly established European Film Commissions Network (EuFCN) met in Prague today to elect its First Board of Directors. The 55 film commissions representing 18 European countries appointed:
  • Arie Bohrer, Location Austria / The Austrian Film Commission as President
  • Patrick Lamassoure, Film France, as General Secretary
  • Marianne Gassner, Stuttgart Region Film Commission as Treasurer
  • Andrea Rocco, Genova Set Film Commission, Board member
  • Giorgio Fossati, Film Commission Torino Piemonte, Board member
  • Piluca Querol, Andalucia Film Commission, Board member
  • Ludmila Claussova, Czech Film Center - Film Commission, Board member
The meeting was hosted by the Czech Film Center- Film Commission and the Czech Audiovisual Producers’ Association. The Czech Film Center is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. “The audiovisual industry worldwide is expected to grow to 71 billion euros over the next three years, according to a recent PWC report. The EuFCN will work to ensure that Europe competes for a share of this global industry”, said Arie Bohrer, president of the association. As the first reaction showed among film commissions in Europe the number of new members of EuFCN will increase significantly in 2008. The EuFCN is based in Brussels.

European Film Commissions Network
Regione Liguria – Sede di Bruxelles
CASALIGURIA, Rue du Luxembourg 15
B-1000 Bruxelles
Tel  +32 2 2891389
Fax +32 2 2891399