A friendly film community, municipal and regional representatives eager to assist filmmakers, grants to support audiovisual production, job markets, local student involvement in film shoots – these were just a few of the characteristics demonstrated by the winner of the 2018 Film Friendly award: the ZLÍN FILM OFFICE and along with it the entire Zlín Region. Representatives of the winning office and region will be presented with their award during the 54th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (28 June - 6 July 2019). "The aim of the Film Friendly competition is to draw attention to regions and locations that work actively with filmmakers and help make their film shoots as efficient as possible in their location. This year, the award is presented in cooperation with the Czech association of location managers and scouts," says Pavlína Žipková, head of the Czech Film Commission. Since its inception, the Film Friendly initiative has been supported also by the CzechTourism agency which, along with the Czech Film Commission, was involved in the development of regional film offices and film tourism. More information available in Czech language ˃
21. May 2019

Filming the TV series Kriminálka 5.C in Zlín
Zlín Film Office