24. October 2019

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In early October, we headed out on a location tour of the Znojmo region with the Brno Film Office. Both days spent in this picturesque corner of the country were filled with interesting locations, new information, and experiences. We were welcomed everywhere with open arms and warm Moravian hospitality. In short – the doors of Znojmo are open wide to filmmakers.
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The first day we were granted the opportunity to see Znojmo in the rain – our guide Irena Navrkalová of ZnojmoRegionu, z.s. helped out by lending us rain ponchos. The location managers did not mind the rain, of course, and the dramatic skies lent an interesting mood to photos. In the evening, tired and full of impressions, we sought shelter in a newly opened local “enoteka” (can you guess what that is?). Here, each at our own discretion, we tasted the Znojmo region in liquid form and discussed our experiences with our peers.

In the morning, Znojmo revealed its sunny face to us for a view of the Dyje River valley from the Gothic balcony of the two-story Chapel of St. Wenceslas. We carried on exploring interesting locations in brighter light. Over the course of the two-day trip, we visited the chateau bearing the royal name Miroslav; the modern building of the Lahofer winery, winner of the Czech prize for architecture; Louka Monastery with its extensive cellars, which are partially used by the local winery Znovín Znojmo; a Czechoslovak fortification fully ready for battle; Podyjí National Park and its unspoiled nature; historical bars and period props in Excalibur City; a romantic watermill in Slup; Jaroslavice Chateau, which is undergoing gradual renovation; and finally in Znojmo proper, the beautiful town theater, a renovated brewery, mysterious underground passages, and alleyways where one felt they’d stepped few centuries back in time.

Our local expert Martin Koplík of the National Theater in Brno engagingly talked about the past and present of the places we visited during our short stay, and about architectural sites around which we were merely passing. He was extremely well-prepared for any and all questions – the breadth of his knowledge was truly astonishing. As Ivana Košuličová of the Brno Film Office says: “For this year’s tour, we wanted to break down the stereotypes of southern Moravia: rural wine cellars, vineyards, and cycling routes. But Znojmo offers much more than that, from award-winning modern architecture and untrammeled old monuments to the unspoiled nature of the Podyjí National Park. What’s more, it’s an region that is largely undiscovered by filmmakers and one that has huge potential. What also makes it special is the very friendly reception in individual towns and cities to filmmaking.”

Take a look at the photo gallery and come shoot in Znojmo! Ivana Košuličová of the Brno Film Office will be happy to help you find your perfect film location. She can be reached by email at kosulicova@ticbrno.cz and by phone at +420 773 771 556.